Thursday, October 9, 2008

What an absolutely gorgeous fall day!

Wow, I'm lovin' it! Not so much the cool, damp mornings; but I sure am happy that it's still light when I get home from work. Not only was it light today, but the SUN was shining so wonderfuly and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue. I love the view of the woods from my back yard.

And I still have some really pretty flowers. The ones below are some that my mom gave me way back in the spring. They stayed little and dry most of the summer, but since the huge rains we had a few weeks ago, they have just grown so lush and they are flowering ~ so many different colors!

I'm enjoying it now because I know the days are numbered. Soon, it will be dark when I leave for work and dark when I come home from work and there will be no leaves on the trees and there will be no more flowers. So.........I'm not going to think about it! I'll just enjoy today!

Until next time.....................

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