Monday, July 21, 2008

A Ray of Sunshine

It's been a sort of yukky day. It was dark and stormy (so I'm told...I was cooped up in my office most of the day) and I was feeling kind of blue. I got off work and stopped by the house and was feeling even bluer (is that even a word?). I was just thinking about going to go back to work to hang out and keep my mind busy when I looked out on my bird feeders and saw this pretty little finch. He was so pretty and the first one like it I've seen at my new feeders. He was there so long, I thought he might have fallen asleep! He sure was a bright spot in my day! And actually I realized the weather was now great and the sun was shining and all was good! Then my mom called and asked me to go shopping with her and all was even gooder (now I know that isn't a word)!!!

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