Saturday, July 26, 2008

Another Sleepover!

Maddison told her Grandma Great that she doesn't like kisses becuase
they're wet, so Grandma Great told her she'd give her a dry one.
Maddison then took her toungue and LICKED her Grandma Great.
A huge wrestling match took place with Papa helping Grandma Great
and in the end, I do believe Maddison actually won out over the two

"Hurry, hurry, don't let Aunt Laurel see me!"

Maddison and Mackenzee were trying to sneak up on Aunt Laurel.

The bag dresses!

Mackenzee always in motion.

"Good Night!"

"Can we have a banana before we go to sleep?"


Maddison and Mackenzee spent the night with us last night. They sure know how to make every single minute of every single day fun. And they are always so thankful for everything. As soon as we got back to the house, they went next door to see Grandma great who gave them each a little sheet of bubble wrap (poppers, as they call them). They just love that. She also had a little wallet for each of them. They played outside with their Papa for a little while, then came inside to cut and color. They are both really good at cutting with scissors. They can cut into teeny, tiny pieces too. And, boy, don't try to throw any of those pieces away! Those are 100's, or dollars, or tickets, etc....!

When it was time to pick up, I gave them each a garbage bag to put the trash in. Next thing you know, I hear them just a giggling and found them inside the bags, using the drawstring and straps to hold them up and they were hopping around in them. (I know, bad, bad Grandma, kids don't play with plastic bags.) I explained to them how you never, ever put bags on your face or head ("But we're NOT, Grandma"). They had a blast hopping around. Pretty soon, their little feet came through the bottom. When they had to take them off for their bath, they wanted me to save them for tomorrow (yeah, right!).

They also love taking a bath in the big deep tub full of bubbles. They literally swim in it. They went to their room to watch TV and Brent said they could come in with us for a while. Maddison exclaimed how nice he was. They played "get scared" for a while, where Brent would hide and come out and scare them, then they tried it on him a few times.

Brent was the first to go out! The girls and I were watching the Disney World slideshow from this blog (must have the music on....they sing every word over and over and over through 395 pictures!) and we re-lived our whole trip. They can tell me what they were doing and how they were feeling in every picture. Near the end, they were both going fast, so they went to their room and it was a matter of minutes before they were out.

They are always so much fun! Let's do this again soon!

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