Thursday, July 10, 2008


Yes, I really do have one! I don't see him much. Here is a picture of how I communicate with him on a regular basis! We talk when he's on the way to work and I'm already at work....when he runs home for lunch and I can't leave for lunch....when I'm on the way home and he's still out on a job or still at the office wrapping up some drama, or when he's on his way home and I'm still at work attending some every day, every minute drama! If I didn't have this cell phone and he didn't have his, I'd almost never get to talk to him. So when I think of Brent, I think of this little black contraption that keeps me connected to him. Shoot, even when we go out to eat together at the same time, face to face, he has his phone to his ear (usally work calling) and I have my little black phone to my ear (always work calling). So, even when we go out to eat, if I want to talk to him, I call him on his celly!!!!

(So I'm just kidding....sort's not really ALL that bad, but almost!)

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