They haven't set a date because Ricky has no idea yet when he'll actually finish AIT. Ashley finishes school in October and Ricky will finish sometime in October or November. I have an idea they want to get married soon after that, but I'm not sure yet.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. HE knows me, HE knows my needs, HE takes care of me and mine. Thank you Lord, for I am blessed beyond belief.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Ring
They haven't set a date because Ricky has no idea yet when he'll actually finish AIT. Ashley finishes school in October and Ricky will finish sometime in October or November. I have an idea they want to get married soon after that, but I'm not sure yet.
At around 8am, Ricky called my cell and asked where I was. He said he was up (you're kiddin' me, right? Where is my real son? He's never up and ready by 8am!), and
had already cooked Ashley breakfast and was heading to the house to hang out for a while. I told him I had about another 45 minutes and I would be home. He called again, just as I was leaving and said no one was up at home. I assured him I was on my way. I actually stopped to get gas and while I was there, thought I'd run through the car wash then vacuum my car really quick. All of a sudden, I hear a honk behind my car. It's Ashley and Ricky! They got bored (Ricky hasn't watched TV in months, guess he doesn't care to watch it anymore now!) and came to look for me!
Ashley had to run to her work and Ricky said he had a few errands to run. He left, came back, and asked if I'd like to ride with him to the jewelry store. Today was the day!
This was the reason Ricky came home for the weekend. He purchased a beautiful engagement ring and band (already sized) and we got back home just as Ashley came back. They were going to go have lunch with her dad. Ricky had called him earlier in the week to talk about marrying Ashley and her dad asked him if they could meet for lunch while he was here. So they went and at the urging of Ashley and I, wore his ACUs.
Ricky said her dad pulled him into a backroom at the dealership and had all kinds of questions for him like, "What are your plans?", "How do you think you've changed?", etc., etc.......
He said he was very nervous at first, but that Ashley's dad is really cool. So, they survived the lunch. Ricky had already made reservations at Takeoka, Ashley's favorite restaraunt. He called Brent a few times, trying to decide how to pop the question. Brent suggested giving the ring to the manager at the restaraunt and having it brought out on a plate with sparklers. Then told Ricky to get down on one knee and ask her.
As it turned out, he put it in the glove box without Ashley knowing and while they were driving, asked her to get his chapstick out of the glove box. Now, Ashley had just picked up this car from her dad's lot that day. She asked Ricky "I have a glove box? Where?" !!! Too funny! Well, she opened it and there was the ring.
Now all day, Brent and I had been waiting for this. We were waiting for Ricky to call us. Actually, we both said we wanted to just show up and be there too!! Anyway, Ricky finally called Brent and told him "She said NO!" He was just yanking Brent's chain!
She actually said YES! So Brent and I made phone calls last night to let everyone know that in the near future, we are getting a daughter-in-law!
We haven't seen them yet, so I don't have any pictures to post, but I will later this morning when they get here.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Weekend Pass
He looks and sounds so grown up now.
Sara riding along to Indi to go pick up Ricky.
Sara's first glimpse of Ricky. She said he was already waiting outside when they arrived and because of the traffic flow, he barely had time to JUMP into the vehicle as they drove by!
Sara and Ricky hamming it up on the way to Fort Wayne.
Fort Wayne and.....Ashley......FINALLY!
Do you think they've missed each other?!!
We are all so happy to see him.
Ricky and Ashley.....Ricky's reason for coming home this weeked....stay tuned for the next blog!!
"Gees.....flashes going off every second!"
"Wow, it's not HOT here....I like it!"
So happy to be back for a visit.
The party really got rolling when the girls began jumping off the counters into their Papa's arms!
Ricky was telling us how amazed he was at how people treated him just becuase he was wearing his ACUs. People at the airports stopped him constantly and thanked him. He was a little taken aback...not sure why they were thanking him. On the plane, an older man sitting next to him asked him how old he was. When Ricky told him 21 (Yup--he's 21 now!), the man asked if he'd like a beer. Ricky told him sure, he'd have one. The man had just returned from out of the country and only had $10 in American money on him. The beer was $7, so he ordered one for Ricky and got a water for himself. The stewardess said she wasn't going to charge for Ricky's because he's military. So, Ricky said he told the man to get one for himself and they toasted each other.
Truly, Ricky actually carries himself differently (more proud maybe) when he's in his ACUs.
Anyway, everyone was very happy to see him.
More to come.................................... it gets even more exciting!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
First day of COLLEGE!
Sara and Mitchell had the same plans. I ran out of work at 9:20 (her first class was at 10:00) thinking I had plenty of time. Sara called me and said she was on her way. It was then that I realized I had left my camera at home (I ALWAYS have it in my purse, but I was charging one of the batteries).
Oh my gosh.....I never even thought that it was the first day for 3,000 other students. What a mad house! I was trying to find a place to park when the traffic cop forced me to go into the parking garage. For some reason, he wouldn't let me go straight. In them meantime, Mitchell found the building right away and dropped Sara off so she could run up and find the room and catch Laurel going into class.
While I was stuck in the parking garage, I called Laurel. She was freaking out. She couldn't find a place to park and she was afraid she was going to be late. Then she realized that I was actually on campus and was actually going to take a picture of her!
I never did see her, but I finally got out of that garage and found Mitchell and Sara. We found her room and Sara took these pictures. Laurel is the second blurry head back...behind the girl in the pink.
Sara was so bummed. She really wanted to get a picture of Laurel standing outside her room.
Laurel later told her dad that she really likes it. Now she knows what to expect and where she's going (for this class, anyway!).
So, here they are! Laurel's first day of college pictures!
Brent taught the girls how to play ping-pong and they thought that was the coolest thing.
Then we headed home for more fun in the sun in the pool! They found their friend, the walking stick, floating in the pool so they put him on their little table an covered him up with a "blanket" so they could show their Papa when he got home.
They were two tired little girls on the way home that evening! (And I was pretty wiped out myself!)
Cook out ~ Brent's birthday ~ AGAIN!
Maddison and Mackenzee were going to stay the night again, but alas, my job interefered (AGAIN) with my life. My third shifter called off for the fourth time this week. I had already pulled a third (and stayed all day after) earlier in the week. I was the only choice left to go Saturday night. So, the girls had to go home, with the promise of coming back in the morning when I got off work.
We had a visit from a walking stick. He walked all over Brent, and somehow (I wonder ~ BRENT) he ended up on me and then Sara!
The weather was awesome and the burgers were super.
Thanks Sara and Mitchell!
Fun in the Sun!
I was in the kitchen cleaning up and could still keep an eye on the girls.
The water fun began when they used their water bottles and the "tea cups" from our party. Next thing you know, I hear the hose go on. I told them to take their shoes and socks of if they were going to get wet. (And, I coaxed Maddison to take off that sweater - it was already 80 degrees!). Then I remembered I had their swim suits here from when Laurel took them to the Y last week. So they played for a while with the hose. Then I remembered we still had a blow up pool from last year, so I got that out and WOW did they have fun. They played in that thing for hours.