Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cook out ~ Brent's birthday ~ AGAIN!

Because Brent's birthday was during the week and we went to the concert that night, Sara and Mitchell planned a cookout for him on Saturday. They did it at our house because the girls were already here and Sara just came over after work and met Mitchell here. They did burgers and hot dogs. My mom provided the macaroni and potato salads and the all time favorite ~ Oreo ice cream cake! It was really good.

Maddison and Mackenzee were going to stay the night again, but alas, my job interefered (AGAIN) with my life. My third shifter called off for the fourth time this week. I had already pulled a third (and stayed all day after) earlier in the week. I was the only choice left to go Saturday night. So, the girls had to go home, with the promise of coming back in the morning when I got off work.

We had a visit from a walking stick. He walked all over Brent, and somehow (I wonder ~ BRENT) he ended up on me and then Sara!

The weather was awesome and the burgers were super.

Thanks Sara and Mitchell!

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