Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A new addition to our household......and I said NO!

This is Buddha. He appeared at our house with Laurel this weekend. (Usually, it's some random person she brings home and they stay and stay and stay!) She said he belonged to Samantha who is moving and cannot keep him. I told her no way are we keeping him. She said she knew that....Christine is going to keep him. Okay, I told her, as long as she knows that we are NOT keeping him at this house. (All this going on while I am trying to steam clean carpets, and deep clean the rest of the house).

That evening, Laurel kept texting us, begging us to let her keep him. We both told her NO, NO, NO and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

The next morning comes, and I hear some yapping going on (it was definitely NOT Ringo or Silver). I ask Brent if he knew "that dog" stayed at our house. He said yes, that he saw him last night. And the thing is, he liked the dog. I told him, yeah, I did too, but I never wanted the animals we have and I do NOT want another one here.

Well, he's still here. Ringo loves him. He loves Ringo. Silver tolerates him. And he is a cute, spunky, loveable thing.

Mackenzee absolutely adores him. He even lets her carry (drag, more like) him around.

He is a "Toxirn" (Cairn Huahua). No, really... that's what he is. He is a hybrid breed (designer breed, if you will): a cross between a Cairn Terrier (Toto in the Wizard of Oz) and a Chihuahua.

Okay, so we have another mouth to feed in our household. I thought we were supposed to be whittling the numbers down now, not adding to the mix.

I WANT TO MOVE ONE DAY!!! I AM ALREADY SO TIED TO FORT WAYNE AS IT IS. AGAIN......I WANT TO M - O - V - E ......... I'm at my six month mark in my current position. My numbers are looking good at work (well, last quarter, anyway). If a DM position gets posted, I would like to apply for it. Even if it's not in NYC....I see one in Grapevine, TX and one in Denver, CO. Not really where I want to go right now, but when one does come up......I WANT TO MOVE.......................... gees, people. (Okay, I'm finished venting...it is what it is, I guess).

And to top off the injustice of it all, I just found out how really naive I am. I wanted to check the spelling of this dog's name so I Googled it. I was directed to this website: Urban Dictionary. Oh My Gosh!!! Now I'm really not happy.........Bhudda has another meaning with young people today. I certainly hope this dog was not named because of that. (Yeah, right).

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