Thursday, April 24, 2008


My cell phone rang at work today. The ringer is a recording of Maddison saying "Grandma, your phone is ringing, Grandma, your phone is ringing, hey Grandma answer your phone!" I had three team members in the room with me and when I answered, it was Maddison saying very loudly, where everyone in the room could hear "Hey Grandma! ONLY THREE MORE DAYS!"
She is really getting excited now about going to Disneyworld! I haven't had much time to think about it, what with Ricky leaving and work taking 75% of my day. I have so much to do tomorrow before I go away for a week, it just boggles my mind. I also have the March of Dimes walk on Saturday. I'm hoping I'll get a chance on Saturday afternoon to pull out my summer clothes and get packed, otherwise, I'll be going in the same pair of jeans for a whole week in 86 degree weather!

Actually, I'm really looking forward to this time with my girls and my mom. And seeing Winnie-the-Pooh, Cinderalla, and Captain Jack Sparrow will be a big bonus! Okay, I guess I'll go up now and see what I can throw together in my suitcase, just so I feel like I'm not rushing!

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