Saturday, June 13, 2009

Busy week

This past week flew by. After taking off the previous Friday, work was almost overwhelming. Thank goodness for the other things in my life.

Maddison and Mackenzee stopped by my office to say "Hi". It felt like I haven't seen them in eons. I got a phone call one afternoon from Maddison. She had just lost her second tooth at swim lessons while in the pool and the darn tooth was sucked down the drain! The tooth fairy came anyway!

Here's Kenzee and her beautiful smile..............
And Maddi with her still beautiful smile....teeth missing and all!
I am so fortunate to have yard like I do. I absolutely love this time of year and so look forward to chilling out after work out there. I discovered this nest of robins in my FRONT yard in the Bradford Pear...right at the's the babies looking at me after I accidentally scared the mama off..............

Here's Ringo meeting a new neighbor.......Michelle and the boys picked up a new kitten this weekend.........looks like Baloo wants Ringo to be his new play toy!

This video is very bumpy, but this is one of the baby robins from the nest in the front yard. While we were all out there checking out the new kitty, this little guy got scared a flew the coop. I can't believe three of these fit in that nest. I sure hope he got back in his nest!

Here's Ringo and Baloo playing............

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