Thursday, February 12, 2009

Texans in the SNOW!

Brent had hoped for weeks before the wedding that we would have lots and lots of snow so his parents from way deep south Texas could "enjoy" (experience, rather!) it. He got his wish. I think Harly may have taken just as many "snow" pictures as he did wedding photos! I know one night in the dark he was out in the woods taking pictures!
This is a shot of the woods behind our house. There is a little creek back there too, but no water in it and just snowed over.

My mother-in-law, Karen, on a sled! Maybe the first time ever??!!

My father-in-law, Harly, making a snow angel!

Harly practicing his shovelling tecniques on my patio!

Wow, this would have made a great Christmas card picture!
We had other Texans staying at the house as well. Wow, the snow was such a novel thing to everyone. YUK, YUK, YUK! Sure, on an earlier blog in November I took a million pictures of the first snow and raved how gorgeous it is. still is gorgeous, so was the ice storm ~ as long as I don't have to go out and drive in it!

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