Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rest In Peace, Dad

We had a memorial service for my dad yesterday in Kalamazoo. He is now buried with his parents in Mt. Olivet cemetary. When we left Ft. Wayne early in the morning, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Just before the service, the sky turned very dark and cloudy. Just before Father Larry began the brief service, the rain came straight down, hard. Father Larry said it was the angels crying tears of joy. Just as he finished speaking, the rain subsided.

Hmmmm.......I'm sure Father Larry was right.

I still miss my dad so much. For the last two years, I went next door to talk to him every day. For most of the last year, he could only sit in his chair in the front library room where I could see him through the window from the street. The light was on in the room very early in the morning and very late at night while he sat there watching tv when he couldn't sleep - which was very often. It was so comforting to me to see him there. Sometimes, when he didn't even know, I would go next door and stand on the porch and watch him, praying a miracle would happen and the ALS would stop and reverse.

My dad was such a great man. I am who I am because of my dad (and my mom, of course). He was honest, hard working, and truly loved his wife and children. He would have done anything in the world for us. I sure hope he knew how much I loved him, even when I didn't say it that much.

To anyone reading this, go....RIGHT NOW...and tell someone you love that you love them. Don't put it off and don't think you'll have tomorrow, because you just might not.

I'll see you, Dad.

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