Saturday, May 24, 2008

Laurel Graduates!!

Our last one graduated yesterday. Talk about mixed feelings. I've been waiting for this FOREVER!!!! Now, I'm not so sure I'm happy about this. We actually have no "kids" here anymore. Wow.......we are getting OLD!
Anyway, it was a wonderful graduation ceremony. Up on the screen, there was a picture of each graduate and their "Senior Quote" as they walked across the stage....some of them got a whole lot of laughs! The favorite of everyone's was: "If the #2 pencil is so popular....why isn't it number ONE?"
Friends and family gathered at our house afterward for a lasagne dinner (Laurel's favorite). Her grandparents from Texas are here and brought a really cool video they had made for Laurel starting with baby pictures and ending with last week. It was awesome.
I put this video together of the pictures Harly took yesterday. I'm finding out, for some reason, all the videos I have on this blog start up automatically, along with the music. You'll have to scroll down and turn off the volume on all of them to hear the current one.
In the meantime, I'm going to try to figure it out.