Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like..............WINTER!!

Wow! The weatherman wasn't kidding! I've been up for quite a while this morning and it was very cold and windy. I had to go fix a strand of lights that had blown down from our front tree. No snow though. Then, after I just posted yesterday's pictures from the GORGEOUS day we spent outside, I looked out the window to see SNOW! LOTS OF IT!! COMING DOWN HARD AND FAST!!!

It is such a good thing that we got the yard done yesterday and the outside lights up. I am SO happy about that. Look at the difference in just hours. Amazing~Beautiful~Wintery~Christmasy!!!

Doesn't this look beautiful? And, look, no leaves under the snow!! Maybe, if the snow is just right, we can build a snowman with Maddison and Mackenzee this afternoon when they come over.

It looks so beautiful out in the woods. I could see the squirrels scurrying out there.

The big white ball in the picture above is either a snow flake or water droplet cathing the light of the flash on the camera.

This is the same view I took yesterday with Brent mowing and the girls playing in the sandbox with the sun shining brightly.

Today might just be the first time we shovel this season. It's really coming down fast.

Looks like Christmas, huh?

The Weeping Cherry tree in all it's glory!

Weird, but the Bradford Pear tree was the last in the area to have the leaves turn and most of the leaves are still on the tree.

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