Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So, Dad....She's all grown up now!!! Get over it!!!

Laurel came home today with a friend. She called her dad and asked if she could go on a motorcycle ride with her friend. Whoooooo Boy. Brent immediately got me on the phone and wanted to know if I met this friend. I said, well yeah, I met him, only to say "hi". He wanted me to make the call if Laurel could go -- no way Jose! I'm not making that call. God forbid something should happen. So he got home within five minutes and put this poor kid through the ringer with questions. He finally said yes, Laurel could go -- all kinds of stipulations. Here are the pictures of her trying to leave! Once they started pulling away, Ringo, who had been in the driveway with us, went ballistic! He barked and jumped and just went crazy. He did NOT want her to leave on that bike!

It was really windy, so they weren't gone that long. All's well so far.

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