Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Counting Down

Ten more days! Maddison and Mackenzee AND Grandma Great are all packed with luggage by their front doors. I haven't even dug out my summer clothes yet. It's beewn way too cold to even think about warm weather clothes yet. But....ten more days....and Disney World, here we come!

Today is Maddison's fifth birthday. I can't believe how the time flies and how she's grown. She

certainly isn't big enough to start kindergarten this summer, but it's happening all the same. My teeny, tiny baby granddaughter with the philosophical mind of a thirty year old and the size of a three year old, will be starting school in a few short months. Younger (not smaller) sister, Mackenzee is ready too, but, alas, she has to wait another year. As she explains it, she'll have to wait at home with Momma while Maddi goes to school.

In the mean time, all they talk about is Maddi's party this coming Saturday and our upcoming trip to Disney. They are so ready to have breakfast with Pooh, have a princess makeover complete with dress, shoes, tiara, and MAKEUP at the castle, dinner with Cinderella, and the Mickey Princess-Pirate party late one night. They also can't wait to spin in the tea cups they see on TV!

Mackenzee still thinks that when we go high in the sky on the airplane, that we will be visiting Heaven to see Grandpa Great. Not a week goes by that she doesn't call me and tell me that she really misses him and sure wishes he would come back. The girls came up with the idea of putting a candy bar in a little basket, writing their names on some balloons, and sending it up to Grandpa Great since they were told that he is happy now, and can once again eat and has his muscles back. Maddison wanted to know if they have tables in Heaven. Mackenzee is convinced that since we are flying, that we will be able to visit him since he won't come visit us. Whew! I'm desperately trying to explain this one to them to no avail.
We took them to one of their favorite play spots (until they see Disney World!) at Crazy Pinz last week. Maddison got to make her own pizza and they love playing air hockey.


The Claycomb Family said...


You've done a GREAT job on your blog!! :) I'm so excited to be able to keep up with your family as well as the girls now!! :0)

Love, Jodi

Tony, Erika, Sierra & Braden said...

Can't believe Madison is starting school in the Fall.
I finished updating our blog with the pictures! :) Sierra is cute, but my boy steals my heart!!!